CLIMAVENETA i-LIFE 2 Slim 170 DLRV Fan Coil with Tangential Fan and Inverter Motor - Versione DLRV da 1,75 kW

Fan Coil ClimaVeneta I-LIFE-2-SLIM-170-DLRV (versione mantellata radiante per installazione verticale) with tangential fan and motor with Inverter technology for installation in residential environments.

Questo articolo sostituisce il Fan Coil I-LIFE-SLIM-0202-DLRV.

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ClimaVeneta Fan Coil I-LIFE-2-SLIM-170-DLRV, versione mantellata radiante per installazione verticale, with tangential fan and motor with Inverter technology, for residential applications.

i-LIFE2 SLIM is the new Climaveneta fan coil with inverter technology for heating, cooling and dehumidification. The minimal design and reduced depth (only 13 cm) make it the perfect solution for installations in residential environments. The motor, with electronic speed switching, allows perfect adaptation to the internal load of the environment without temperature variations. Moreover the tangential fan unit allows a continuous modulation of the air flow rate without step variations and without the annoying relay switching. Basically, this fan coil has been designed to maintain the set temperature with very low sound levels and, above all, with high energy efficiencies.


  • DC Inverter motor with continuous regulation of the speed in order to guarantee high performances with very low sound levels;
  • Elegant design and depth of only 13 cm for installation in residential environments;
  • Battery with a large front surface that allows the achievement of high air flows with minimal loss of load;
  • Air filter with honeycomb structure in polypropylene (PP) which can be regenerated by washing or blowing;
  • Tangential fan with asymmetric blades to ensure continuous modulation of the air flow rate for high comfort and significant energy savings;
  • High precision PID electronic control systems for maintaining the correct temperature and optimal humidity level with the maximum silence of the units.

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More Information
Dimensions (LxHxD mm) 937x579x131
Weight (Kg) 20.0
Power supply Tensione/Freq./Fasi (V/Hz/n°) 230/50/1
Color White
Number of pipes 2
Unit Power (kW) 1.7

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Elettrodomex Srl guarantees the good quality of the products for sale on and it is responsible to the consumer for any lack of conformity existing at the time of delivery of the goods. Elettrodomex Srl undertakes, during the warranty period specified below, to repair (at its warehouse) or replace as soon as possible those parts or products that prove defective, provided that this does not depend on breakages or failures caused by incompetence or negligence of the customer, lack of maintenance, use outside the technical specifications or purposes of use, fortuitous events or major force.

The warranty period is 24 months from the invoice date (12 months for professional buyers and users), therefore any lack of conformity must be reported within 24 months after the date of purchase (12 months for professional buyers and users). The time limit within which the defect of the product must be communicated from the moment it is manifested is 2 months.

The lack of conformity can be found for malfunction, manufacturing defect, discrepancy between what was sold and what was received by the Customer 

The warranty will apply to products that show conformity defects or faults not found or found at the time of purchase, provided they have been used correctly and in compliance with their destination and as required by any technical documents. The warranty will not be applied in case of negligence and carelessness from the customer, as well as mechanical or electronic changes not prescribed by the manufacturer.

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