My Remote Clima is the innovative home automation system for the zone management of an air conditioning system.
The Tecno-Venitl system is equipped with a control unit with a color touch screen display that can be connected to the home network via Wi-Fi or Ethernet socket. This system can be reached from your smartphone through special applications (App) for iOS and Android operating systems or from the PC via a WebServer installed in the control unit.
The system is able to control the ducted indoor unit of different brands (including Daikin, Mitsubishi Electric and Panasonic), with the relative motorized vents, and to manage the boiler with the relative heads of the radiant panels. Among other things, it is also possible to manage a relay to which various devices can be connected such as the recirculation pump for the solar panels, the irrigation system, the switching off or on of the lights, and so on.
In conclusion, a touch screen thermostat or a simple temperature probe can be installed in every room.